Set up auto-creation for a workflow business process

On the Auto-Creation tab, you can set up this business process to automatically create another record or line item for this business process. You can also set up this business process to automatically create other business processes, planning items, or line items if the form includes a creator element.

For information about auto-creating business processes or planning items, see "About Auto-creating a Business Process record or Planning Item Based on conditions or frequency".

To set up auto-creation of a workflow business process

1 Click the Autocreation tab.
2 Under Settings for auto creation of [name of the business process, planning item, or line item you are setting up], complete the following fields:


In this field:

Do this:


Specify the workflow setup that the auto-created business process or planning tiem should use.


Click the Select button and choose the name of the person or group who should assume ownership of the auto-created record.


Specify the step in the workflow that should be used as the first step in the workflow of the auto-created BP or planning item records.

3 Under the section Settings for auto-creation of other business process records or line items, select the creator element under the upper or detail form.



4 (Not an option for line item creation.) In the Assignee/Creator field, click the Select button and choose the name of the user or group who should assume ownership of the auto-created record.
5 (Not an option for line item creation.) In the Duration field, specify the duration of the workflow for the auto-created record.
6 If you want the auto-created record to include attachments from the original (source) record, select the Include Attachments check box.

If you select this option:

Any record-level attachments made to the source record will appear at the record level of the destination record.
Any attachments made to the line items of the source record will appear at the line item level of the destination record.

Note: This step is not applicable for Document type business processes.

7 (Not an option for line item creation.) If you want to bypass the I step that this auto-creation normally creates, select the Bypass initiation step during auto creation.

If you select this option, the auto-created BP will skip the initiation step and will appear in the user’s BP log at the appropriate step in the workflow. (For more information, see "About Auto-creating a Business Process record or Planning Item Based on conditions or frequency".)

8 If you want to copy any records that are linked to the original record, select the Copy Linked Records check box.
9 (Not an option for line item creation.) If you want to group line items into a single record, select the Enable grouping of line items when autocreating records from line item tabs check box.

In the Group By field, click Select and select the data element (or elements) you want to group by. If the values in these data elements match for any of the line items, Primavera Unifier will auto-create a single record for them. For more information, see "Grouping line items into single records".

Note: If you leave the Group By field blank, Primavera Unifier will auto-create a single record containing all the line items on the source record.

10 To create the conditions that will trigger the auto-creation, select the Enable condition based auto creation check box and continue as follows:.

Note: If you leave this check box un-checked, the BP, planning item, or line item will be available for manual creation only.

a To add a trigger condition, click the Add button. The Add Condition window opens.
b On the General tab, enter a name for the trigger and a description.
c Click the Query tab.


The Query tab is where you will define the conditions the data must meet before Primavera Unifier will auto-create the new business process record.

In the upper section of the window, you can specify that a field on the business process form:

Must meet a certain criteria or value
Must meet a certain value based on a formula using the numeric fields on the form

Click the Add button to specify a condition for a field on the business process form. Click the Add Formula button to create a formula that the value of the field must meet. Use the information under About Queries to complete the query.

In the lower section of the window, you can specify a date condition that will trigger the auto-creation. Use the information under About Queries to complete the query.

Note: Date condition triggers are not available for line item auto-creation.


About Date Triggers

If you want to create a continual date trigger condition, make sure you use the Date Trigger Condition section of the window to create it. Although you can also create a date trigger using a formula in the upper section of the window, Primavera Unifier will process the triggers differently.

The conditions you specify in the upper section of the window will be processed only once, when the user clicks the Send button on the form to send the form to the next step in the workflow. However, the date conditions you specify in the Date Trigger Condition section will be processed daily.

This behavior is important to consider when you are creating a date condition that occurs in the future. A date trigger specified under the Date Trigger Condition section will be processed daily, and will, therefore, “catch” the trigger condition when the future date occurs.


d Click OK.
11 Click Apply to save your changes, or OK to save and exit the window.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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