Set up record and line item copy options

Use this feature to set up copy options for users when they copy a record with line items and references.

The options you specify here will give the Primavera Unifier user the ability to copy specific (rather than all) line items, as well as the ability to include attachments and linked records, and retain or remove references to auto-created records.

To set up these options, you must create a condition the data element must meet in order for the line item to be included for these copy options.

For example, you could create a set of options specifying that all line items with a status of “open” be copied, and their attachments be included in the copy. Using this example, you could set up a weekly meeting minutes business process that automatically generates action item business processes for each task that arises from the meeting. Using these copy options, you could roll over action items that are still open to the next week’s meeting minutes.

At runtime, the options you set up here will be given to users to choose from when they copy records.

Note: These options are not available for Payment Applications.

To set up copy options

1 Open the business process for which you want to set up the copy options.
2 Click the Record Copy tab. The Record Copy Setup window opens.
3 Click the Add button. The Copy Condition Setup window opens.
4 In the Name field, enter a name for this copy setup. The name should be unique, and can be up to 250 characters long.

This is the name that will appear on the list of copy options the Primavera Unifier user will see when they copy a record or line item.

5 (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of what this setup does.

Tip: It’s a good idea to include a precise description of what the copy options are for the setup. This description will appear on the list of copy options the Primavera Unifier user will see when they copy the record, and a good description will tell them exactly what will be copied. You can enter up to 4000 characters.

6 Under the Condition area of the window, click the Add button. The Query Condition window opens.
7 In the Data Element field, select the of the field on the line item form that you want to use to identify which lines items can be copied.
8 In the Condition field, select the operator Primavera Unifier should use to test the data element you selected.

A condition is a state or restriction the value in the data element (field) must meet. A condition of the value might be that it must be equal to a certain number (maybe 10) or that it must contain a certain string of letters (such as “due date of”).

If the data element meets the condition you specify, Primavera Unifier will include this line item on the list the user can choose from. (For more information on conditions and queries, see About Queries.)

9 Click OK.
10 On the Copy Condition Setup window, specify these additional copy options:


Select this checkbox:


Include Attachments

Include attachments in the copy operation.

Copy Linked Records

Include any linked records in the copy operation.

Retain reference to auto-created business process records on record upper form

Keep the references to business processes that were auto-created from the upper form.

Retain reference to auto-created business process records on line items across all tabs

Keep the references to business processes that were auto-created from the line item (detail) form. This applies to all line items from all tabs.

11 Click OK.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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