Add a New Company User

This section describes how to manually add a new user record to your company. For information about importing multiple user records from a CSV file, see the following section.

If you have created a User Preference template (in Standards & Libraries>User Preference Templates), the active template will automatically be used to generate the new user’s user preferences. If there is no active template present, then the system default settings will be used for the user preferences.

To add a new company user

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click User Administration>Company Usersin the left Navigator.
3 Click the New button. The Edit User window opens.
4 Complete the fields of the General tab as discussed in the following table.

Note: If a User Administration design has been imported, the data elements that appear in the General tab of the User Properties can vary.

5 Click the Security tab. You must also add a user Login Username before saving the record. See "Manage user login information (Security tab)" for details.
6 At this point, you can activate the user, save the record, or complete the rest of the tabs:
Permissions: You can configure individual permission settings for the user in this tab. See "Edit user permissions (Permissions tab)" for details. Alternatively, you can assign the user to a group (the user will automatically inherit group permissions), or assign permission through Access Control.
Projects: This tab lists the projects to which the user has been added and is view-only. See "View user’s project, program, and shell membership (Project/Program/Shell tabs)".
Shells: This tab lists the shells to which the user has been added and is view-only. See "View user’s project, program, and shell membership (Project/Program/Shell tabs)".
Programs: This tab lists the programs to which the user has been added and is view-only. See "View user’s project, program, and shell membership (Project/Program/Shell tabs)".
Proxy: You can add or view the user’s proxy users in this tab. See "Designate a proxy user (Proxy tab)".
7 Click Apply to save changes, or OK to save and exit the window.



In this field:

Do this:

First Name, Last Name

Enter the first and last name of the user. These are required fields.


Enter an optional company title for the user.


Enter the user’s email address, which will be used to send system notifications to the user, and will display in the user’s contact information. This is a required field.

Work Phone

Enter the user’s work telephone number.

Mobile Phone

Enter the user’s mobile telephone number.

Home Phone

Enter the user’s home telephone number.


Enter the user’s page number.


Enter the user’s fax number.


Click the Select button to add a company address to the user profile (From Edit Company, Address Tab)

Time Zone

Choose the default time zone for the user. This can be changed in the User Preferences window.

Date Format

This setting controls the display of dates on reports, BP forms, etc. This can be changed in the User Preferences window.


New users are Active by default. Status can be Active, Inactive or On-hold. Neither Inactive nor On-Hold users can login to Primavera Unifier:

Active: User is listed in Project or Shell Directory, in User/Group Picker, User can login and participate in project or shell.
Inactive: User’s name does not appear anywhere for selection on any project-or shell-related functions or User Picker. User cannot login but they can be given permissions and added to groups.
On-hold: User can be added to a project or shell and assigned as a participant in a business process workflow but cannot login. Normally used to pre-assign users to a new project or shell before activating it.

Active and On Hold users will be counted against your user license terms; inactive users will not.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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