Configuring the User Mode Navigator


The configurable User Mode Navigator feature allows you to modify the appearance and organization of the modules and business processes that are available in the left hand Navigator for all company users. This allows you to group Primavera Unifier modules, logs and business processes to suit your company’s business needs.

This functionality is limited to the collaborative portions of the user mode navigator: Company Workspace, Programs, Shells and Projects.

Note: This configuration will affect the User Mode navigation for all users in your company. We strongly recommend that you fully test your configurations in uStage before configuring in your production environment.

As always, access to any module or business process is strictly controlled by permission settings. The configurable navigator feature does not override permission settings in any way; it simply allows you to customize the look and organization of navigator modules that a user has permissions to access. Any changes you make to the User Mode navigation tree will be reflected in the Access Control view. If a user has permission to access at least one leaf node under a grouping node, then the Grouping Node will appear in the user’s view of the navigator. If the user does not have permission to any leaf nodes under a grouping node, then the grouping node will not appear in the user’s Navigator.

Within the configurable navigator, you can create new grouping nodes, rename existing ones, reorder items within the nodes, and even remove unused modules from the Navigator, providing increased flexibility to organize and view Primavera Unifier modules and business processes. The configured view will appear for all users.

Note the following terminology used with this feature:

Grouping Node: This is a container “parent” node. Clicking a Grouping Node in the left hand Navigator simply expands the node to display any child nodes below it; the child nodes can be leaf nodes, or another grouping node. (Example: Project Logs, Cost Manager). Grouping nodes are easy to identify: they have a (+) next to them in the navigation tree.

Actionable Grouping Node: This type of grouping node not only expands to display child nodes underneath it, but also refreshes the right pane and displays an associated log or page. (Example: Projects node, which not only expands to display project nodes in the Navigator, but also opens the Project home page)

Leaf Node: This is a child node that cannot become a grouping node; the last node in the navigation “tree,” where no further branching can take place. Clicking a child node refreshes the right hand Primavera Unifier pane to display the associated module or log. (Example: Cost Sheet within the Cost Manager, or individual business process logs under Project Logs)

The configurable navigator allows you to:

Configure navigation trees for Project, Shell, Program and Company Workspace areas of the user mode navigator; settings do not take affect in your users’ navigators until you deploy them
Create new grouping nodes
Rename new and existing grouping nodes
Change the icons associated with the nodes
Move nodes up and down the navigation tree, or from one grouping node to another
Remove unused modules from the navigator without deleting the modules themselves
Move business process logs or other modules between new or existing Grouping Nodes
Store three versions of the navigator: last saved version, last deployed version, and the system default version, and allows you to restore the navigator to any of these versions at any time

Note: Since the configurable navigator is a separate setup, new business processes will not automatically appear in the log chosen during configuration, even after setup. They will appear in the right pane of the User Configurable Navigator window. You must manually place the business process into the correct node in the left pane to make it available to users.


Create a new user mode navigator configuration

Create a new grouping node

Rename a grouping node

Change the icon of a grouping node

Move nodes within the navigator

Remove unused modules from the navigator

Delete a grouping node

Deploying a navigator configuration

Delete a navigator configuration

Restore the navigator to previous or default configuration




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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