Create a project template


The following procedure describes how to create a project template. The procedure is similar to creating a new project.

To create a new project template

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Projects in the left Navigator.
3 Expand the Projects (Standard) area to display the categories. The default is All. The project category that you define here will determine the category to which subsequent projects will be assigned. The project category cannot be changed.

Use caution when defining a template in a project category. You cannot “re-categorize” a project or project template once it is created and saved.

4 Click one of the category or asset nodes. The Project Templates log opens. The log lists any project templates that have been created under the category.
5 Click the New button. The Template window opens. The Template window is equivalent to the Project window; the same properties and tabs are filled out for a project template as for a new project.
6 Complete the Template window. This window will be used for the project Properties when creating projects:
General tab: Define properties. See "Define general project properties (General tab)".
Location tab: Define the project location. See "Define project location (Location tab)" and "Add a project image (Standards tab)".
Standards tab: See "Add project currencies (Standards tab)".
Progress tab: See "Set up project progress tracking (Progress tab)".
Links tab: See "Add links to other project-related web pages (Links tab)".
Custom tab: See "Select a project custom attribute (Custom tab)".

These tabs are the same for both project templates and projects.

7 Click Apply to save changes as you enter information, and OK when you are ready to save information and exit the Template window.





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