Creating and Setting Up a UDR Template

Report templates allow you to create templates that a user can then copy from to create UDRs. Report templates are based on specific data types and predefined data elements that differ depending on the data type. Report templates define queries used to search the database for transaction or project or shell data and report layout.

Templates can be made for each of the report types: tabular, cross tab, summary, and alert.


UDR data types

Access report templates

Create a UDR template

General tab (all reports)

Data Elements tab (tabular report)

Data Elements tab (cross tab report)

Data Elements tab (summary report)

Data Elements tab (alert report)

Data elements

Query tab (all reports)

Layout tab (all reports)

Layout tab (Page Setup setting)

Layout tab (Title Page, Header, Footer, Summary Page settings)

Layout tab (Cross Tab setting)

Layout tab (Group By setting)

Projects tab (program-level reports, all types)

Projects/Shells tab (program-level and company-level reports, all types)

Shells tab (shell-level reports, all types)

Permission tab (all reports)

Schedule tab (all reports)

Add and manage data elements (columns) to the report

Manage report column (data element) properties

Set auto range

Grant report edit or run permissions to other users

Define report queries (query condition)

Set up title page, header, footer and summary page

Schedule report runs

Generate reports with incremental data between scheduled runs

Enable a report for web services integration




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