Importing Third Party Schedule Files


Unifier supports working with third party schedule files, such as Primavera or Microsoft Project (MPP). Once you import these schedule files, your external data becomes available in Unifier. In Unifier, users have access to the Schedule Manager’s analytical tools. For example, they can forecast project costs, monitor project progress at the activity and resource levels, and track earned value with schedule data.

If users assign resources in third party software, Unifier will soft-book those resource assignments, provided you created a data set for those assignments (see “To add data set values to a Data Definition (all except Multi-select Input)" on page 98).

Primavera considerations:

Unifier’s Schedule Manager integrates with Primavera’s scheduling software by way of Web Services.
Unifier honors the Primavera Current Data Date entry when calculating earned value (BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, EAC).
When importing Primavera XML files into Unifier, you must configure the number of WBS code segments, and you can specify a suffix mask.

Microsoft Project considerations:

Unifier uploads Microsoft Project directly into a schedule sheet.
To use the Activity Calendar from Microsoft Project, first create a calendar in Unifier with the same name as the external calendar. (See “Create calendars" on page 153.)
To import Resource Assignments from Microsoft Project, first add the same MPP resource types to the SYS Resource Type data set in Unifier. We recommend using MPP standard resource types: Work, Material, and Cost. (See “Add a data definition (Basic and Cost Codes)" on page 95.)
Configuring WBS code segments is not necessary for Microsoft Project. See "WBS code options for Primavera XML and Microsoft Project XML".


Overall steps to import third party schedule files

1 Save the third part schedule files.

For Microsoft Project files

a Save the files as MPP, or export the Microsoft Project file to CSV or XML. Use this file as a template.

For Primavera XML files:

a Export the Primavera file to XML.
b Modify the XML file to use with web services, as described in the Integration Interface Guide.
c Select Import distribution data from external source (see “Select the activity budget distribution profile” in the Schedule Manager chapter of the Unifier User Guide).
2 Define data mapping.
3 Import the CSV or XML files to create or modify schedule sheet activities.


Define data mapping

Import CSV, XML, or MPP files

WBS code options for Primavera XML and Microsoft Project XML




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Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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