Link a Template to a Project or Shell Schedule Sheet


1 On the Schedule Sheet log, select the schedule sheet template that you want to link.

This template must have been enabled for linking. (See Enable and Disable Schedule Sheet Linking.)

2 Choose View > Linked Schedule Sheets.

The Linked Schedule Sheets window opens, listing the schedule sheets that are currently linked to the template.

3 Click Add. The Add Schedule Sheets window opens.

This window lists Active and On-Hold projects or shells and the corresponding active schedule sheets for those projects or shells.

4 Select one or more schedule sheets and click Select. You will receive a confirmation message that the data in the newly linked sheet will be modified when the update is completed using the link between the template and the sheet.

When you link a schedule sheet to the template, Unifier:

Deletes the existing data on the project/shell schedule sheet, including all activities, columns and cell data
Retains the schedule sheet properties, including the Schedule Start Date
5 To link the sheets, click OK.
6 When you are finished adding linked sheets, click Close Window.





Oracle Corporation

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