Creating a Shell Template

From the Shells node under Templates, you can access the shell type templates that are created. One node is created under Shells for each shell type that is imported and that has an active configuration status.

Note: Single-instance shells are not listed under Templates > Shells as there can only be one instance created for those shell types, and there is no need of a template.

To access shell templates

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Templates > Shells in the left Navigator.
3 Expand the Shells node. Any shell templates are grouped by shell types. Note that one node is created for each shell type imported.
4 Click one of the shell type nodes. The Shell Templates log opens. The log lists any shell templates that have been created for that shell type.


Create a shell template

Shell template modules and managers

Create a shell template by copying a template or shell

Shell Cloning window selections

Manage shell templates




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