Setup a Custom shell dashboard

To setup a custom shell dashboard

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Custom Dashboard in the left Navigator. The Custom Dashboard log window opens.
3 Click New > Shell Dashboard.
4 In the General tab, enter a name for the dashboard, and a title. The title is appears in the list of available custom shell dashboards that an end user can view. You can also enter a description. Browse for the SWF file to use with the dashboard. The dashboard type are displayed as a read-only field.
5 Next, select data sources in the Query tab, as described in the following procedure.

To define queries for data cubes

1 Click the Query tab.
2 Click Add. The Query window opens.


In this field:

Do this:


Enter the name of the query.

Data Cube

Choose a data cube to use as a data source for the custom dashboard.

Source Grouped By

Choose which column from Data Cube definition will be used to group data by. This dropdown menu lists those data elements that are marked Group By in Data Cube definition. Changing value under this drop-down should always reset values under Report On and Summary Type.

Output Type

Choose the output type, which determines the output after grouping data based on Source Grouped By column. Following are the options

Record Count
Summary Value

Report On

Choose a column defined in the data cube from among those designated as Summary.

Summary Type

This dropdown shows a list of possible summary types. Values shown under this dropdown are based on the type of Report On data element:

For Numeric type of data element: Summary, Min, Max, Average
For Date type of data element: Min/Max
3 Click OK.





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