Initiate migration of standard projects to WBS shells

You can migrate several projects at once into a shell type, creating a new shell instance under that shell type for each migrated project. Before you initiate the migration, ensure that you have the Create permission on the destination shell type, in order to create the shell instances from the migrated projects. You exported the template from a selected WBS shell, and then import the modified template back into the same WBS shell to complete the migration.

Note: You cannot undo the migration of standard projects to WBS shells after the migration completes successfully. Verify that you have completed the CSV migration template correctly, especially in terms of the Project Number.

To initiate migration

1 Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
2 Click Company Sponsored Shells > [WBS shell type] in the left Navigator.
3 In the shell type log, choose Import > Migrate Projects into Shells.
4 Browse for the CSV file and click OK.

This imports the migration template and performs validations on the data. The migration is a background process. Each project listed in the CSV file is migrated into a WBS shell based on the mapping and values provided in the CSV. Project migration is either successful or not successful. Validation is performed before migration, and if there are any errors, a project is not migrated. Errors can include incorrect mapping or invalid format of the project rows (including changing column order or adding or removing columns).





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