Migrating standard projects to WBS shells


You can migrate one or multiple standard projects to WBS shell types that you specify. After migration, the new WBS shell is created in the shell hierarchy in the location you specify, and the standard project is no longer listed in the project log in Primavera Unifier. All of the data that existed under the standard project can then be accessed from the newly-created WBS shell.

Note: When you migrate a standard project to a WBS shell, you cannot undo the migration and return the shell to the standard project form. The migration cannot be reversed, so be sure that you want to perform the project-to-shell migration.

After you migrate standard projects to WBS shells, you can use the features that shells offer, such as:

Hierarchical distribution, visualization and navigation of capital projects when organized under shell hierarchies based on business needs
Configurable dashboards
Roll up of cost data across the shell hierarchy


Migration limitation

Migration considerations

Migration mapping of project to shell data elements

Migrating projects to shells




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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