Migration limitations

The following are some migration limitations for you to consider:

The shell type must be a WBS shell. You cannot migrate standard projects to generic shells, only to WBS shells.
Shell name is limited to 128 characters, and shell description is limited to 250 characters. However, standard project name is limited to 250 characters, and the project description is limited to 2000 characters. In order for the migration from project to WBS shell to be successful, you must modify the project name and description to be within the limits for these fields that exist for the shells (128 characters for a shell name, and 250 characters for a shell description).
The standard project name cannot contain any special characters, such as:


You cannot migrate a standard project to a single instance (top level) shell. You can only migrate to multiple-instance shells.
Even if the destination WBS shell type has auto-numbering setup, the migration cannot incorporate the new shell into the shell auto-numbering, but instead copies the project number while creating shell. The new shell is identified by the project number of the original project.
You will have to set up a new configurable shell dashboard for the new shell that is created by the migration. Any existing project summary set up does not migrate to the new shell.
If any business processes, planning items, assets, and configurable managers in the original project use project pickers, then you will have to recreate the link between these objects and the new shell.
Migration from a standard project to a WBS shell cannot be reversed. Once the migration is complete, the standard project is converted to a WBS shell, and the information from that project resides in the newly-created WBS shell.





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