About Business Process Dates and Calendars


Primavera Unifier supports multiple calendars, enabling the Administrator to create a library of calendars that can be selected for use at the Company or project/shell levels. The multiple calendars enable you to have calendars to support varying work schedules (depending on locality) and to account for holidays and other non‐working days. For example, some countries in the Middle East have weekends that are other than Saturday and Sunday.

Calendars affect the calculation of both business process workflow due dates and task due dates, and formula calculations. When the calendar changes for the Company, or for the project/shell, any subsequent computation of dates will use the new or changed calendar. Dates are not affected for records that are in process. The Date Picker and the Date Only Picker will show the changed calendar.






Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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