About Business Processes


Primavera Unifier transactions and collaboration are driven by business processes. Information is entered and stored in Primavera Unifier using electronic business process (BP) forms. Each time you fill out a business process form, you are creating a new record in Primavera Unifier. These forms may be routed to project or shell team members or other Primavera Unifier users via workflows. Non-workflow BPs will simply be stored as records. Business process records are stored in logs, which are accessible in the Navigator. You can think of these logs as filing cabinets, with each drawer storing a different type of business process.

The information that you enter into business process fields may be used throughout Primavera Unifier. Each field corresponds to a “data element” that can be identified, reported upon, and tracked; some data element values may be rolled up to sheets such as a cost sheet or resource sheet. The look and feel of a field (data element) is determined by the data definition on which the data element is based. The data definition determines whether the field is a text-entry field, a drop-down list of options, a checkbox that you can select, a picker that is used to select an existing Primavera Unifier record, etc.

Business processes can be associated with specific project or shells (project- or shell-level BPs) or can be applicable for the entire company and not project- or shell-specific (company-level BPs). The project or shell or company administrator determines which forms are to be used and how the workflows will operate.

Business process forms are designed in Primavera uDesigner.


Workflow versus non-workflow

Business Process Types

About Business Process Dates and Calendars

About Business Process Forms

About Workflows

About auto-population of business process fields

About reverse auto-population from business processes

Business Process Logs and Master Logs

Searching for Business Process Records and Line Items

Save business process log searches

Accessing Business Processes Via the Tasks Log

Accessing a business process from an external system

Viewing Messages (CC'd Tasks)

Creating Business Processes

Completing the Forms

Participating in a Workflow (Completing Tasks)

Participating in a Discussion Group

Copying and Consolidating Comments and Markups

Managing Business Process Records

Printing and Distributing Business Process Forms

Business Processes with Special Behaviors





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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