Business Process Logs and Master Logs


Business process records are stored in logs, accessible through the Navigator. You can think of logs as filing cabinets, with each drawer storing the records of a specific BP.

Each time you fill out a BP form, you are creating a new record in Primavera Unifier. You can access existing records from these logs or create new business process records of that type. By default, all records in which you were involved (created by, sent to, or copied to you) will be available for you to view and open from the BP logs. If you have additional permissions, you may also be able to view all project or shell or company BP records created in those logs.

Business processes can be project and shell level or company level. Project- and shell-level business process records contain information that pertains to the specific project or shell. These records may roll up information to the project or shell cost sheet, Document Manager, etc. Company-level business process records are used for information that is not specific to any particular project or shell, for example, a company-wide approved vendor list, a blanket purchase order that can be used for general expenses, a cost BP that rolls up to a company accounts sheet, or general meeting minutes.

Note: Remember that all BPs require view, modify, or create permissions to access and use them. Contact your project or shell or company administrator about permission settings for BPs that you need to access.

Note: You can also access a business process from your Tasks log. For more information, see "View the tasks assigned to you".



About Business Process Logs

Business process logs that use advanced logs

Accessing Business Process Logs and Records

Accessing Business Process Records from a Master Log




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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