About Business Process Logs


During BP setup, the administrator determines in which log a BP will be stored. You navigate to these logs by choosing the appropriate node in the Navigator. The following section describes how to access business process logs, from which you can view or create BP records.

Note: Primavera Unifier’s Configurable User Mode Navigator feature allows your company administrator to configure the Navigator to display nodes that are different from those that are described here. For example, instead of project or shell Logs, your BP node might be labeled My Business Processes, or there may be different nodes for Cost BPs, Document BPs, etc. Your company administrator can provide information about these nodes.

The default BP logs are:

Project logs: Most project-related business process records are stored under the Project Logs node, which lists the logs for each BP. These can be of any BP type. Each business process will have its own node. That is, a business process used as a base commit will have one node (log) under which all records for that BP are stored. BPs like these are known as multi-record instances, which means that each BP can have any number of individual records (that is, individual forms). These can be workflow or non-workflow.

Shell logs: Most shell-related business process records are stored under the Shell Logs node, which lists the logs for each BP. Shells are listed in the Shell log in a hierarchy, from the main shell to the various subshells. BPs are listed in the Shell log in the same way they are listed in the Project log.

Company logs: Similar to project or shell logs but used for company-level business processes and located in the company workspace.

Data Manager: Similar to project or shell or Company logs, this node is a collection of individual BP logs. Data Manager can be for project- or shell-level BPs (located in the project or shell) or company BPs (in the company workspace).These BPs are often used for any type of miscellaneous information, for example, equipment specifications and maintenance information, a vendor database, or a company-level blanket-PO type BP. Each form has its own log containing individual records of that form. Like Project/Shell or Company logs, these BPs can have multiple records and can be workflow or non-workflow.

Project/Shell Information > General: This log is used only for one type of BP: line-item or simple type business processes that are single-record instance, which means that they are used to create only one record per BP per project or shell. They are useful for project- or shell-specific information that only needs to be documented on a single form. An example is a BP for general project or shell data and descriptions. These BPs do not have a workflow.

Fields on a business process in a child shell can be setup to auto-populate from the upper form of a single-record non-workflow business process under any parent shell and attribute form of the current or parent shell.

If you are an Editor on a single-record business process, you can open and edit that record, per your view access permission (View User Records, View Company Records, or View All Records). You must have at least one of these permissions to be able to view the record in the log to access it to edit.

General (in the company workspace): Similar to the project- or shell-level General log but for company-level, single-record BPs.

Master Logs: Located under the Home tab. Master Logs allow you to access all or a subset of business process records of the same type, in a single log that spans multiple projects or shells.





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