Accessing a business process from an external system


Primavera Unifier provides a data element for business processes that can display a URL for access to Primavera Unifier from an external system. If the business process contains this URL field, you can open a view-only copy of the record from that external system.

For example, you might have notifications from Primavera Unifier that are sent to email programs, such as Microsoft Outlook or Yahoo Mail, outside of Primavera Unifier. From that email program, you could open a view-only copy of the business process.

Or, you might have an approval process that resides outside of Primavera Unifier. At a certain point in the workflow, the business process record data could be sent from Primavera Unifier to that external approval process. From that external system, you could open a view-only copy of the business process record.

Note: If this business process created records before this URL field was added to the form, those records will not show data in the URL field. Only new records will show data in the URL field.

Any business process designed to be opened from an external system must be available on the Master Log.

To open a business process from an external system

You must be an active member of the project, shell, or sub-shell, and have at least view permission to the Master Log that contains the business process record you want to view.

Use the URL to access Primavera Unifier. This URL will open the Primavera Unifier login window. Once you are logged in, Primavera Unifier will display the business process record in view-only mode.

Note: If Primavera Unifier has been configured to log in users using single sign-on (SSO), the login window will not appear.

Depending on what permissions you have, you can take the following actions from this view-only copy of the record:

Terminate the business process
Print the business process
Send umail
Transfer ownership
View reference records
View the audit log
View record attachments, general comments, linked records, and linked uMail
Click line item tabs and open the line items in grid view
Use the Find feature to locate line items
Use any hyperlinked field, such as a picker, an image, or a URL, or the workflow progress link
View the assignees and cc’d users on the step





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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