About Business Process Forms


The electronic forms in Primavera Unifier are simple to use once you understand how they work. Business process forms are consistent throughout Primavera Unifier, with a similar look and feel.

When you first open a form, it appears in “view” mode. On the “view” version of this form, you can do the following:


Accept the task
Decline the task
Print the form
Terminate the record
Send uMail
Transfer ownership of the record
Add an assignee to the current step
Copy users to the current step
Audit the progress of the record
Add a comment, if you have permission

If you accept the task, the form becomes editable. On the editable, or “action,” version of this form, you can do the following:


Undo task acceptance (decline the task)
Select the step’s next action
Add or edit form content
Save a draft of the record
Terminate the record
Transfer ownership of the record
Display the view form of the BP
Audit the progress of the record
Spell check the record content
Add attachments, line items, etc.
Send the form to the next step

The electronic form appears similar to a paper form—you complete the form by typing information directly into the form fields or choosing options through drop-down lists, pickers, or checkboxes.

Note: The section labels are determined in Primavera uDesigner and may vary. The basic form functionality remains the same.



Parts of the form

Auto-sequencing and unique values in fields on business process forms

About pickers

The WBS Picker

Hide and unhide tasks

The User/Group Picker




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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