Auto-sequencing and unique values in fields on business process forms


The Administrator can specify values on business process upper or lower forms that enable auto-sequencing, or that specify unique values (upper form only). These features are available for Company level and project/shell level, and can be used on workflow and non-workflow business processes.


The Administrator can configure auto-sequencing for certain data elements on a business process form. This is in addition to the standard business process numbering, and allows the numbering of up to two fields on a upper form, and two fields on a lower form. For example, the Administrator can specify that a Name field uses auto-sequencing in order to number business processes that have similar names. Auto-sequencing generation occurs for the business process when the you click:

Send on workflow business processes
Save on non-workflow business processes
Finish Editing on non-workflow business processes for line items
Apply or OK for line items

Note: Fields configured for auto-sequencing are not available for Bulk Edit, since the values for these fields are system-generated.

Unique values

The Administrator can configure unique value validation on data elements on business process upper forms. For example, if a business process has a field called Invoice, and should enforce that each invoice number is a unique string, this field can be configured to validate for a unique value. If you attempt to enter a string that is not unique (has been entered on another business process), you will get a warning message that an alternate value must be entered. Unique value validation occurs for the business process when the you click:

Send on workflow business processes
Save on non-workflow business processes
Finish Editing on non-workflow business processes for line items

Note: If you use Bulk Edit to update multiple records, and attempt to update a field that has value uniqueness configured, only the first record will update (and is therefore unique).





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