Reverse auto-population for business processes


Some data elements on forms can be updated using “reverse auto-population.” These data elements are specified in Primavera uDesigner when the form is designed. Reverse auto-population means that some values can be automatically updated when other values are modified in a business process form.

Note: Reverse auto-population does not occur for projects and shells with View-Only or Inactive status.

Note: Reverse auto-population is not supported for single-record business processes, except in the case of BPs existing under child shells, which can reverse auto-populate to single-record BPs under any parent shell in the shell hierarchy.

Reverse Auto-Population in Auto-Created Business Processes

A business process can be designed to update the record or line item that auto-created it. For example, a Meeting Minutes business process auto-creates Action Items business processes from line items. If you update the Meeting Minutes business process line item, the Action Item business process can be updated via reverse auto-population.

In another case, if a business process auto-creates a new line item for an existing record, that line item can be updated with information from subsequent steps in the workflow.


Business cases that might use reverse auto-population:

A work order could reference the line items on a preventive maintenance business process. Certain updates in the work order could be reverse auto-populated onto the line items of the preventive maintenance business process. For example, a machine might have had preventive maintenance at 1,800 hours of operation and need it again at 3,600 hours of operation.
Changes to the detail form in a business process under a child shell could result in changes to the upper form of a single record non-workflow business process under any parent shell in the shell hierarchy.
Lease payment requests could be auto-created from a lease business process. An approved payment request could reverse auto-populate the lease BP’s line item status to “approved.”
A move order business process could reference an asset record. Updates on the move order could be reverse auto-populated onto the asset record.
An office move order business process could reference a user attribute form. Once the move is complete, the user’s new location could be updated on the attribute form. (This kind of reverse auto-population is normally triggered when you choose a user from a data picker, rather than when a business process is auto-created.)





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