Searching for Business Process Records and Line Items


If there are many records listed in a business process log, you may need to search for the one you are looking for. You search each log individually to look for a specific record.

To search a log for a particular record

1 Select a business process log in the Navigator.
2 Click the Find button.
3 If designed to do so, search fields can include line item fields in addition to upper form fields. Enter the search criteria. Below is an example of a Find window:



You can vary the operators you use in a search (=,<,>, range, etc.) by clicking the operator link and selecting a new operator.

4 Click Search (or press Enter).

Primavera Unifier displays the business process records that met the search criteria you entered.


If you choose to, you can cancel the filtering action by clicking [Cancel Filter] or the x icon in the upper-right corner of the window. Primavera Unifier will restore the list of BP records to its unfiltered state.

5 Close the Find window when you are finished searching records.

To sort records in a log

1 In the Find window, for the Record Set equals field, select:
Created by Me: Lists project or shell records that you created.
Received by Me: Lists tasks assigned to you (option available for workflow business process records).
Created and Received by Me: Lists project or shell records you created and tasks assigned to you (option available for workflow business process records).
All Company Records: Lists all records involving your company, whether you were involved or not.
<blank>: Lists all project or shell records to which you have permissions.
2 For workflow business process records, in the Workflow Status equals field, select:
In Progress: Lists records that are currently in progress state. These records can be assigned to you, or to other users.
In Progress and Currently assigned to Me: Lists records that are in progress, assigned to you, and have not reached a terminal status (option available for workflow business process records only).
<blank>: Lists records (in progress, as well as closed) filtered by the selection made in the Record Set equals field.

To search for a particular line item

1 If Find is enabled in the line-item log, click Find. If you have tabs implemented in the line-item log, each tab will have its own Find (a separate search for each tab).
2 Enter the search criteria.You can vary the operators you use in a search (=,<,>, range, etc.) by clicking the operator link and selecting a new operator.
3 Click Search. Search results are listed in the log.
4 Move the Find window to view the search results. If you close the Find window, the search results are cleared. The Find window is a floating window.
5 You can change the search criteria and click Search to perform a new search.
6 Close the Find window when you are finished searching line items.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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