Copying and Consolidating Comments and Markups

These procedures are useful for consolidating comments and markups received during a discussion group, but can also be used anytime you want to copy or consolidate comments or markups on a BP attachment.

When you copy and consolidate comments, all attachments to comments will display as attachments to the consolidated comment. All graphical markups will also be copied and included in the new consolidated comment in a separate, editable markup layer.

You can also consolidate graphic markups made to documents that are attached directly to the BP form (that is, documents attached in the lower portion of a document-type BP, or documents attached directly to the BP form).

You can copy and consolidate text comments in general comments, but not graphic markups to file attachments added to a general comment. The following table summarizes:



BP Feature

Consolidate Text Comments

Consolidate Graphic Markups

Documents attached to document-type BPs

Can copy and consolidate comments made directly to attached documents

Can copy and consolidate graphic markups on attached documents

File attachments: all BP types

Can copy and consolidate comments made to files attached directly to BPs (listed in the Attachments link)

Can copy and consolidate markups made to files attached directly to BPs (listed in the Attachments link)

General comments

Can copy and consolidate general comments

Cannot copy or consolidate markups on files attached to a general comment.


Copy or consolidate text comments

Copy or consolidate graphic markups

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