Add or view graphic markups to a business process attachment

You can add markups, such as circles or other graphical elements as well as text, to a document, which display directly on the document, but do not alter the document itself. Markups are layered on top of a file, as if the markups had been done on an acetate sheet that had been placed on top of the file. Each user who adds a markup is adding a new layer to the file.

To add a markup to an attachment on a business processes

1 Do one of the following:
For non-document-type BPs, click the Attachments link. In the Attachments window, select the document and click the Comments button.
For document type BPs, select the document in the lower portion of the document-type BP and click the Comments button. The File Comments window opens. If you have added any previous comments since the last time the BP was sent, they will be listed in the Draft Comments portion of the window.
2 Click the Add button. The Edit File Comment window opens.
3 Click the Graphic Markup button. The Cimmetry AutoVue Professional viewer window opens displaying the document content. The window opens initially in View mode.
4 In the viewer window, click the New Markup tool or select File > New Markup.

If there are existing markups, the Markup Files window opens. Each saved markup session is listed in the window. Select the checkbox by the markups to view and click OK.

The viewer switches to Markup mode, and the markup tools become available.

5 Add graphic markups to the drawing as necessary, using the tools on the horizontal toolbar.

Note: Each markup shape is a separate entity. The navigation pane on the left shows the Bookmarks tab and Markup Tree tab. The Markup Tree tab shows the markups. Click an entity to select it.

6 Click the Save button or select File > Save to save your markups. Enter a name for the markup and click OK.

Note: Markups are saved as a single layer and are no longer editable once you close the window. Each markup is listed by name in the Markup Tree tab as a separate layer. To add another markup layer, click the New button.

7 When you have completed your markups, close the viewer window to return to the Edit File Comment window.

Note: At this point, the comment is still in Draft mode. You can add additional markups or file attachments if desired. You must enter some text in the Text Comment box to save it.

8 Click OK to save and exit the Edit File Comment window.
9 Close the File Comments window.

To view graphic markups

1 Open the comments window. Markups are associated with a specific comment.
2 Locate the comment with the markup, and click the View link next to Graphic Markup.





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