Compare the bids

Once the bidding process ends (after the bid due date has passed), you can open a bid tabulation to compare the bids you received. A default bid tabulation sheet is available in Primavera Unifier, or your company may have a custom-designed bid tabulation sheet.

To compare bids

1 Open the RFB record. The toolbar displays a Show Bids button.
2 Click Show Bids. The Show Bids window opens, listing the bids you received.
3 From the list, select the vendors you want to compare and click Compare Bids.

Unifier tabulates the bids from the vendors you selected and displays a Compare Bids sheet. This sheet will look different, depending on whether you are using the default comparison sheet supplied by Primavera Unifier, or a custom-designed comparison sheet created by your company.

Default bid comparison sheet:



The default bid comparison sheet shows the bid amounts for each line item for which the vendor submitted a bid.

Custom bid comparison sheet:



The custom-designed bid comparison sheet shows the following:

General bid information from each vendor who submitted a bid.
Each line item from the RFB that the vendor has bid on. If the vendor adds line items of their own to the bid, these line items will appear on the sheet as well.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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