Completing Tasks via Email

You may receive BP-related e-mail notifications that contains hyperlinks that represent actions in a BP workflow.

Actions you can take via e-mail are shown as hyperlinks and represent actions you can take in a workflow step. When you click the hyperlink, an e-mail reply is generated. Your reply text becomes a general comment in the BP record, except in the case of Document Type business processes; reply text is not attached for those business processes. Assignees need to be pre-assigned on the workflow steps for the e-mail workflow action to occur. Attachments can be included in the workflow action replies if the BP is set up to include them. E-mail clients supported for workflow actions via e-mail include HTML and text. If you are using a text client for your e-mail, the possible actions are listed, but are static text (not hyperlinks). In that case, you can reply to the e-mail manually and provide the appropriate To, Subject, and body text. Your subject should be the name of the action you want to take as shown in the e-mail notification.

Your subject should be the name of the action you want to take as shown in the e-mail notification.

Tasks that are assigned to you are listed in your Tasks logs. The Tasks logs display business process-related tasks in which you are being requested to participate. The following tasks may appear in your Tasks logs:

You are part of a business process workflow and are requested or required to take some sort of action.
You have been invited to join a discussion group by another user who is requesting assistance with drafting comments or markups on a BP. These are indicated as being sent for “Discussion” in the Tasks log.
You are designated as the Initiation step assignee for an auto-created business process.

Validation for e-mail task flow actions are as follows:

Email address must match that of the assignee
Valid Notification ID/Password (NID)
Active (Primavera Unifier) User
BP record has not moved or been terminated
Record has not already met completion policy
Assignees must be Preassigned at the destination step

To respond to a workflow task directly from e-mail

1 Open the e-mail notification.

If Response via email has been enabled in the business process design, the e-mail includes action links. The e-mail message also displays data from the business process form.

2 To take action, review the e-mail, then click an action link. In an e-mail program such as Outlook, this will create a response e-mail.

Note: (1)Do not change the subject line of the e-mail. Changing the subject line text will cause the e-mail response to fail. (2)If you are using a text client for your e-mail, you can open a new e-mail message, copy the subject line of the notification, and paste it into the subject line of the response e-mail.

3 You can add text to the body of the e-mail. This will create a General Comment on the business process record.

Note: E-mail response text is not saved as General Comments for Document Type business processes.

4 You can add file attachments to your e-mail response.

If the business process has been set up to accept attachments, they will be added to the record in Primavera Unifier. If the business process does not allow attachments, then attachments you add to the e-mail response will be ignored. If a file already exists on the record with the same name as the file you are trying to send, then your attachment will be ignored.

5 Send the e-mail, which will send the action to Primavera Unifier.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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