Edit line items using the Grid


To edit line items using the line item grid

1 On the BP form, select the tab containing the line items you want to edit.
2 Click the Grid button.
3 On the Grid, double-click the cell you want to edit. The cell opens for editing.

As soon as you begin editing, a red change icon appears in the first column as a reminder that the line item has been modified, and the Save button becomes active.

4 Click Save.

When you save the line item, Primavera Unifier refreshes the grid view, removes the change icon, and updates the line item list on the BP form.

5 To edit additional line items, repeat steps 1 and 2.
6 When you have finished, click the Close Window button.

To edit an image field on a line item grid

An image field on the grid displays only an image icon; however, you can see a thumbnail of the image if you double-click on the icon. If you want to change or remove the image, double-click the cell anywhere but on the icon. Primavera Unifier displays a menu, from which you can choose to upload a different image, or remove the image.

To edit a hyperlink field on a line item grid

If you want to change a hyperlink, double-click the cell anywhere but on the hyperlink. Primavera Unifier displays the Hyperlink window, where you can change or remove the link.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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