Enter payment application line item information

Line items on payment applications have special functionality. Payment application line items are created automatically from the line items on the associated base commit and any change commits. The line items appear by default on a grid. The columns that appear on the grid (including formula columns) are part of the business process detail form design.

To enter line item information on a payment application

1 In the payment application business process form, click the Add button and choose Detail Line Item. The Line Items window opens. The Line Items window for payment applications is different than other BPs: the window displays a list of line items from the base commit and any change commits.

Note: Depending upon the design of the BPs, some fields may be auto-populated with data from the base commit and change commit. For a field to auto-populate, the same data element must be used on the base commit, change commit, and payment application. Line items appear from the base commit and any change commits based on the statuses of those business processes, as designed in Primavera uDesigner.

2 Fill in the line item fields. You can enter values in any editable field on the grid. Editable fields appear with a white background on the grid.
3 While viewing or editing data, you can split the grid so that the cost codes or other columns are always in view on the left, allowing you to scroll through other columns to view or enter data on the right. To split the grid:
a Click the Split button. The window splits vertically, with a moveable vertical bar.
b You can move the vertical bar as necessary. Use the horizontal scroll bars to scroll through the columns on both sides of the vertical bars. For line item entry, both sides are editable.
c You can click the Freeze button to make the left side of the vertical bar unmovable.
d To unfreeze the left side, click the Freeze button again. To remove the split, click the Split button again.
4 When you have completed editing the Line Items window, click OK.

An icon appears in the first column to indicate which rows have been modified.

To undo line item changes without closing the Line Items window

In the Line Items window, click the Cancel Row Changes button. Any line item information that you have entered or changed will be cleared, and the fields will revert back to their original values.






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