How RFBs work

Once the RFB business process is active in Primavera Unifier, the bid procedure runs as follows:


1 Start the bid procedure by opening the RFB, filling in the form, and sending it for internal review (if necessary).
2 When the internal review is complete, you:
a Assemble the bid package and prepare the bid invitation for distribution.
b Send out the bid invitations, along with a user name and password so that the vendors can log into Primavera Unifier and submit their bids.

Once the bid invitations have been sent, you must wait, then, for the bid due date to pass.

The vendors:

1 When the vendors receive the bid invitation, they log into Primavera Unifier and open the bid request.
2 They (optionally) can request clarification of any questions or issues before submitting the bid. (They can use the uMail link on the bid request for this purpose.)
3 They then submit the bid.


1 When the due date for all bids is reached, you tabulate the bids for comparison.
2 Optionally, open discussions about the bids, if necessary.
3 Award the bid to a vendor.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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