Linking uMail Messages to a Record

You can attach uMail messages directly to a BP record. On any action form in the workflow, users can click on the link and view the referenced uMail. Attached uMails are added and viewed from the Linked Mail link at the bottom of the BP form. This link will show the number of emails, both uMail and external emails, that have been attached to the record. A single email message can be attached to more than one BP record.

Note: This option is available only in BPs that have been set up to accommodate linked uMail messages.


About permissions

Attach an existing uMail message

Create and attach a new uMail message

Manage linked uMails

Reply to or forward a linked uMail message

View the list of linked BPs from a uMail message

Send and manage linked uMails from RFB forms




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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