Manually create a business process record from a Master Log


If you have permission to create records, you can create business process records from the Master Log in any project or shell. Also, you can modify or bulk edit business processes in the Master log. If View Map is enabled, you can select one or more records across projects or shells to view on a map.

Note: Import Template, Export Template, and Permissions are not supported actions on business processes in Master Logs. Auto-population and reverse auto-population are supported for business process records that are created or edited in the Master Logs

There are specific conditions for creating workflow and non-workflow records in the Master Logs. For workflow business process records:

Business process must have an Active setup in the selected project or shell
Chosen project or shell controls the list of enabled workflow setups
You must be an assignee on the Create step of the business process within the selected project or shell
If you save the record during its creation, instead of sending it, the record is listed in the Home Drafts folder, is not yet listed in the Master Log for the business process
After the record is created, it is listed in both the business process log for the project or shell and well as the business process Master Log

Creation conditions for non-workflow business process records:

Business process must have an Active setup in the selected project or shell
You must be on the Creator list for the business process in the select project or shell
After the record is created, it is listed in both the business process log for the project or shell and well as the business process Master Log

To create a business process record from a Master Log

1 Navigate to a Master Log.
2 Choose New > Create in Project or New > Create in Shell.
3 Select the project or shell in which to create the new business process record. The project or shells listed are Active and are those in which you are a member.
4 To complete the record, use the instructions under "Completing the Forms".





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