Save a draft of a business process


At any time while filling out a business process form (whether creating a new one or responding to a task), you can save your work as a draft and return to it later. The record remains in your Drafts log until you send it. In addition, if you initiate a discussion group, the record remains in your Drafts log (the log displays a Yes in the Discussion column) until the discussion group ends (see "Participating in a Discussion Group").

To save a draft copy of the business process form

From the File menu of an open BP record, click Save. A draft copy of the form with your edits so far is saved in your Drafts log.

To view your drafts

Navigate to the Drafts log by doing one of the following:

In the Navigator, click Drafts directly under the Home node. The Drafts log lists all draft business processes.
In the Navigator, open a project or shell or company and navigate to Collaboration > Drafts.

Note: Drafts for View-Only and Inactive projects or shells are not listed in the Drafts log.

To open a draft

Select a record from the Drafts log and click Open.

To delete a draft

Select the record from the Drafts log and click Delete. The draft form will be permanently deleted. A draft is automatically deleted from the log after the record has been sent or otherwise completed, or the discussion group ends.





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