Search the log for a task or tasks

To search the log

1 On your Tasks log, click the Find button. The Find window opens.

The Find window shows fields that you can use to narrow the list of tasks you see on the log. The fields show an operator, such as “contains” or “equals,” which you can use to specify more precisely which tasks you want to see on the list. In the example Find window above, you could narrow the list of tasks to show only invoices that have been sent to an approval step in the workflow.

Most of the fields show an “equals” operator which you cannot change; however, those fields that show an underlined operator can be changed.

2 In those fields with operators you cannot change, enter the value the field should contain, or click the Select button and select the value from the list that appears.
3 In those fields that show an underlined operator, first choose the operator you want to use on the field, such as “equals,” “does not contain,” or “is empty”. Then enter the value the field should contain.
4 To save this search for future use, enter a name for the search in the Save As field and click Save.
5 To filter the Tasks log, click Search (or press Enter).

Primavera Unifier displays all the tasks that met the search criteria you entered.

If you choose to, you can cancel the filtering action by clicking [Cancel Filter] above the task list. Primavera Unifier will restore the list of tasks to its unfiltered state.

6 Once you have filtered the list, select the task(s) and use the Bulk Actions > With Preview option to quickly open, accept, and complete the task. (See "Open and accept a task".)





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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