Start the Bidding Process

After the RFB has completed the internal review and approval, you can start the bidding process.

To start the bidding process

1 Open the RFB and click the Invite Bids button on the toolbar. Primavera Unifier displays a notice that the item is now open for bidding.
2 Click the Invite Bids button again.

The Bid Invitations window opens. From this window, you can choose the vendors you want to submit bids. Primavera Unifier will send both a bid invitation to the vendors and also a login name and password they can use to access Primavera Unifier to submit their bids.



3 Click Send Password. The Bidders window opens, showing a list of vendors.
4 Choose the vendor(s) you want to submit bids and click Send Password. Then click Close Window.
5 On the Bid Invitation window, click Close Window.

Once you have sent out all the bid invitations, Primavera Unifier freezes the RFB until the bid due date passes. After the due date passes, you can compare the bids.


About the Vendor List

The list of vendors you use to distribute the bid invitations can include your company’s entire list of vendors or a list of “approved vendors” specific for the project you are working on. Your administrator can design a business process that filters the master list of vendors into a sub-set of this list for your project. If such a sub-set of the vendor list has been created for your project, this is the list of vendors you will see in the Bidders window, unless this is a public bid. For public bids, the filtered vendor list will be ignored.

To see the approved list of vendors with more information, go to the project Logs node in the Navigator and click on the business process that created the vendor list for your project. Primavera Unifier will display the list of records in that business process. To see the approved list, click the Filtered Referenced Records button on the toolbar.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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