Taking action on multiple tasks at the same time (Bulk Action)

If you have a large number of projects or shells with numerous business processes in the same state, you can use bulk workflow actions to update the workflow on all of the records at once. You can update the workflow actions from your Tasks log or from any log produced by the Find feature. You can update a maximum of 200 records using bulk workflow update.

Some things to note:

Only the upper form is modified during bulk workflow actions.
Bulk workflow actions are not supported on tasks that are on the Initiation step.
You must have Allow Bulk Edit permission for each area where the bulk action is to be performed (Company or project/shell).
Some business processes do not support integration; since the integration engine is used for bulk action, these business processes will not have bulk action available.

To take action on multiple records

1 Navigate to a Tasks log.
2 Select one or more tasks to work with, or perform a Find for tasks of certain criteria and then select tasks that are in the same workflow stage. You can select tasks from the Tasks log or the Find log.

Use the Type (combination of the BP name and workflow name) and Sent For search criteria to help narrow your search for similar task records. Be sure that the group of tasks that you select:

Are of the same type
Have the same workflow schema
Are waiting on the same workflow step

Bulk workflow processing will be successful only if these criteria match for all selected tasks.

3 Click the Bulk Actions button and choose Without Preview. The Bulk Action window opens. The fields displayed in this window depend on what step of the workflow the tasks are in.

The Bulk Action window includes all editable fields for the task. The Workflow Actions menu shows the actions available for the next step in the workflow for the tasks that you are updating.

4 In the Bulk Action window, edit the fields that you want to update the form with.

Primavera Unifier automatically selects the Update checkbox when you type into or modify a field. You can deselect it if you do not want to modify the field at this time.

5 Select a workflow action and click Send. The workflow tasks that you have updated are sent to the next step in the workflow.

The Bulk Actions Status window opens when you click Send. This window allows you to monitor the progress of the bulk workflow update.

6 Click OK after all records have processed. Click Cancel if you want to cancel the bulk update in progress.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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