View a list of referencing records

To view a list of referencing records

1 From the business process log, open the record.
2 Choose View > Reference Records. The Reference Records window opens.

The Reference Records window is split into two sections, a graph and a list. The records shown on this window include records from across shells.

The graph displays:

Records that the business process references (i.e., references to other business processes)
Records that reference the business process (i.e., other business processes that reference the BP you are looking at)

The list displays:

Records that the business process references (i.e., references to other business processes)
Records that reference the business process (i.e., other business processes that reference the BP you are looking at)
Records that have been linked to the business process via the Linked Records feature ("Linking Business Process Records")
Line items that have been linked to the business process via the Linked Records feature.

Note: This list will not display single-record business processes.





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