What the vendor does

Use the instructions in this section to familiarize vendors with the Primavera Unifier interface so they can submit bids.

About the Bid Due Date Time: Be aware that the due date and time for the bid reflect the time of the server on which the Primavera Unifier application is running. (Primavera Unifier servers operate on Pacific Standard Time.)

To log in to Primavera Unifier

If you received a bid invitation, you should also have received an email containing a link to Primavera Unifier, a user name, and a password.

1 Open the bid invitation and click the link provided.
2 At the login screen, enter the user name and password provided in the email.

The Primavera Unifier home screen opens.

To submit a bid

1 In the Navigator on the left, click Request for Bid/Bids (or Request for Bid Private/Bids, if you have been invited for a private bid). A bid log appears on the right pane showing a list of open bids you have been invited to submit.

Note: By default , Primavera Unifier displays only open bids. If you want to see all the bids you have been invited to submit, use the View menu on the right corner of the tool bar. Click the arrow and choose All Bids from the list. Primavera Unifier will display all your bids, past and present.

2 On the right pane, double-click the name of the RFB you received (or click the View Bid button). The Request for Bid form opens.


Got questions?

Before you submit the bid, you can communicate with the requestor about any questions or issues that need clarification. The Request for Bid form provides a link to Primavera Unifier’s uMail feature. To send a communication:

Click the Linked Mail link in the lower-right corner of the window. A Linked Mail window opens, showing a chronological list of any existing communications.
Click New. An email-type form opens, where you can send a communication to the requestor.


3 Click the Bid button in the upper-left corner of the screen. The request for bid form opens for editing.
4 Fill in the upper form fields that are required.
5 Click the Add button in the lower-left corner and choose Detail Line Item. The Request for Bid Line Item window opens.
6 Fill in the fields on this form and click OK.

The line item detail you entered appears on the tab at the bottom of the screen.

7 (Optional) To add an attachment to the bid, click Add Attachment in the toolbar. A file upload window opens.
a Click the Add button. A window opens showing the directory tree of files on your machine.
b Navigate to the file you want to attach and select it. Then click Open. The file name appears in the Upload List field.
c Click the Upload button. An Upload Status window opens.
d When the file has been uploaded, click the Close button.

On the Request for Bid form, Primavera Unifier indicates the attachment in the lower-left corner of the window. You can click on Attachments to verify that the attachment is correct.

8 Click the Submit Bid button. Primavera Unifier accepts the bid.

To withdraw a bid

1 Log in to Primavera Unifier.
2 In the Navigator on the left, click Request for Bid/Bids (or Request for Bid Private/Bids, if you were invited for a private bid). A bid log appears on the right pane.
3 On the right pane, double-click the name of the RFB you received. The Request for Bid form opens.
4 Click the Bid button in the upper-left corner of the window. The request for bid form opens for editing.
5 Click the Withdraw Bid button in the upper-left corner of the window.

To view or print the bid after submitting it

1 Log in to Primavera Unifier.
2 In the Navigator on the left, click Request for Bid/Bids (or Request for Bid Private/Bids, if you were invited for a private bid). A bid log appears on the right pane.
3 In the log, select the bid record that you want to view or print.
4 Click the View Bid button. The bid form that you submitted opens for viewing.
5 (Optional) Print the bid form from the File menu. Choose either:
Print Preview > HTML Format: The print view of the form will open in the browser. Landscape orientation usually provides best results for HTML format. To print the bid, click the print icon in the upper-right corner of the window.
Print Preview > PDF Format: Opens the form in Acrobat Reader. Print the bid using the File menu in Acrobat.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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