Open the accounts sheet

To open the accounts sheet

1 In User Mode, select Company Workspace > Cost Manager > Accounts Sheet. The Accounts Sheet log opens. If an accounts sheet has been created, it will be displayed in the log.
2 Select the sheet and click Open (example below.)

Note: When you first open the sheet, the opening view will depend on the Default View option selected in the Properties window. Your accounts sheet administrator can set this default view. Accounts sheets can be resized and split/unsplit the same way as project or shell cost sheets (see "Resize cost sheet window" or "Split or unsplit cost sheet window").

The accounts sheet works similarly to cost sheets. Like cost sheets, you can:

Enter data into manual data-entry columns.
View rolled up transaction details by clicking a cell with a hyperlink.
View a column definition by clicking a column heading.
Copy column data from one column to another (Edit > Copy > Column Data; the original values will be overwritten).
Save and view snapshots (File > Create Snapshot; View > Snapshot Log).
Import and export column details.
Export accounts summary sheet.





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