Cost Manager Overview


The Cost Manager consists of the modules and features listed below.

Cost Sheets

Project/Shell cost sheet: The project or shell cost sheet is a detailed accounting of the project’s or shell’s budget and costs. It works much like a spreadsheet within Primavera Unifier that calculates and maintains the project or shell cost information stored in the project or shell. The project or shell cost sheet rows contain unique WBS codes (or cost codes), which can be used to link project or shell or program costs to the general ledger for finance. Cost information can be entered manually, pulled from work packages or worksheets, or rolled up automatically from business processes when transactions occur in Primavera Unifier.

Program cost sheet: Program cost sheets are created automatically once a project cost sheet has been created in at least one project within the program. The columns of the program cost sheet can be set up to allow cost sheet data to roll up automatically from individual project cost sheets. The program cost sheet will display cost data for all projects within the program that have a status of active or on hold. The currency used is the company base currency. Projects on the program cost sheet are sorted automatically by ascending project number. As new projects are added to the program, and cost sheets are created for them, the new projects will be automatically added to the program cost sheet.

Company cost sheet: The company administrator can create a company-level cost sheet to display cost data across project or shells. Projects or shells on the company cost sheet are added by default as project- or shell-level cost sheets are created. Only active and on-hold projects or shells should be rolled up to a company-level cost sheet. Projects and shells are listed in order by project or shell number in an ascending order. Data rolls up to the company cost sheet columns from individual project or shell cost sheet columns by data source. The data displayed on the program cost sheet is view only.

Work packages: In addition to a project or shell cost sheet, multiple work packages may also be defined. A work package is a group of cost sheet rows that is a subset of the project or shell cost sheet. Work packages provide insight into the budget without providing full access to the details of the project or shell cost sheet.

Worksheets: Cost worksheets can be created to support the project or shell cost sheet. They can be used as sub-cost sheets, enabling specific calculations or data entry in a separate sheet, which can then be rolled up into a defined project or shell cost sheet column. For example, a worksheet can be used to offload complex calculations, which can be rolled up into a single cost sheet column. Worksheets support manual data entry and formulas. Business processes do not roll up to worksheets. Permissions can be controlled for individual worksheets. Worksheets are not independently reportable; however, cost sheet columns that reference worksheets can be reported on.

Funding Manager

Company funding sheets: The company funding sheet tracks all sources of funding across all projects or shells and programs. You create only one sheet per company. Funding sources that are made available at project or shell sheet level are rolled up to the company sheet, which maintains the overall fund information. Once created, the company funding sheet can be edited, but not deleted. The company funding sheet must be created before creating individual project or shell funding sheets. 

Project/Shell funding sheets: The project or shell funding sheet tracks how funding is being allocated and consumed at the project or shell level. Project or shell fund sheets work in conjunction with the company funding sheet. Allocating funding sources at project or shell level can be done manually or through a business process. A funding template and company funding sheet must be complete before you can create a project or shell funding sheet.

Commitment funding sheets: You can optionally set up commitment level funding, which allows you to allocate specific project/shell funds to individual base commit records. This works in conjunction with the SOV sheet to track base and change commit lines and balances.

Cash Flow and Cash Flow (basic)

Primavera Unifier’s advanced Cash Flow module includes the ability to create multiple baseline, spends, forecast and custom curves and compare them on one cash flow worksheet. You can create data source, distribution profiles, and cash flow curve templates to simplify creation of cash flow in multiple projects and shells. Administrators can also set up base commit business processes to automatically create cash flow curves for the commitment record at a particular workflow step,(or for non-workflow BPs, when the record is complete).

Earned Value

The earned value module provides quantitative tracking information about project or shell status using earned value analysis. It provides specific numerical measurements for reviewing progress as the project or shell team advances through the work tasks allotted to the project or shell schedule. The module helps project or shell managers track whether projects or shells are on schedule and on budget. It provides accurate and consistent methods to estimate the percent of budget spent, percent of work done, and percent of time elapsed.

Schedule of Values

The schedule of values (SOV) module provides a way to assemble information from contract, change order and invoice/payment business processes into an SOV sheet, streamlining the process of invoicing for completed phases of a project or shell. SOV functionality is available with Primavera uDesigner-created cost BPs for which the Allow creation of Schedule of Values option is defined. The business processes can be designed to create an SOV sheet automatically upon reaching the designated step. There are two types of SOV sheets: general and payment applications.

Generic Cost Manager

The Generic Cost Manager captures cost-related activities for a generic shell. These include costs like rent, lease payments, landscape care, building maintenance and repair, remodel of building interiors, and more.

With this manager, you can capture and view cost transaction information based on a timescale, such as quarterly or yearly. Each shell can have one Generic Cost Manager. The Generic Cost Manager uses specific generic cost business processes as a data source.

About Cost Managers and Primavera Unifier functional areas

The standard Cost Manager and the Generic Cost Manager work with different areas of Primavera Unifier. This table lists the areas and the indicates which cost manager works with each area.

Cost Manager



Project (Standard)

Shell (WBS)

Shell (Generic)

Cost Manager (standard WBS)






Generic Cost Manager






The cost data from Project (Standard) and Shell (WBS) can both roll up to the Company level. The cost data from Shell (Generic) does not roll up to Company Level.


Cost Manager Overview

About rules

WBS Cost Sheets

Company Accounts Sheets

Funding Manager

Schedule of Values, Invoicing, and Payment Applications

Cash Flow

Cash Flow (Basic)

Earned Value

Generic Cost Manager




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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