Cash Flow

Cash flow is the distribution of cost over time, in other words it is the movement of cash into or out of a project measured during a specific time period. In Primavera Unifier, you can create cash flow curves in a project or WBS code-based shell, at the Project/Shell level, WBS or Summary WBS level, or at the Commitment level (based on a base commit record).

For each detail level you can specify Baseline, Actuals (or "spends"), Forecast, Portfolio, and also Custom curves that can include any other cost data you want to view graphically. In addition, you can compare these curves side-by-side in the cash flow worksheet to view cash flow distribution over time.

Cash flow curves require a data source, which your administrator can create in Standards and Libraries.

Data Sources: Used to identify cash flow curves and roll up data to program and company worksheets.

Curve Type: Used with pre-defined categories of cash flow curves: Baseline, Forecast, Spends, and Custom. Each curve type has its own logic to address different business requirements.

Distribution Profile: Used to distribute data automatically in the cash flow worksheet.

Detail curve templates: Used to make cash flow curve worksheets.

Roll up curve templates: Used to create curves in programs that roll up cash flow data from projects or shells.

Note: The advanced cash flow module introduced in Primavera Unifier 9.3 is named “Cash Flow.” Be sure you have the permissions you need to view and work with the cash flow module at the project and shell level, program level and company level.

You will notice that the pre-9.3 cash flow module has been renamed Cash Flow (Basic). This retains all the functionality and cash flow records created before the release of 9.3, and will remain fully functional at this time. Cash Flow (Basic) will be phased out eventually as users move to the enhanced Cash Flow module.


Granting Cash Flow User Mode Permissions

Portfolio Manager Budget curves

Cash flow curves

Cash flow worksheets

Program Level and Company Level Cash Flow




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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