Cash flow curves


The Cash Flow module lets you create as many baseline, actuals, forecast, portfolio, or custom curves as you need in a cash flow worksheet. Each curve can be created in one of the detail levels: cash flow by Project or Shell, by WBS, by Summary WBS, or by Commitment (one per base contract) within a project or shell. For company and program-level cash flow see Program Level and Company Level Cash Flow.

The cash flow worksheet allows you to view or enter data, and view and compare the curves you added.

There are several ways to create a cash flow curve, including manual creation, copying from a template, auto-creating a curve on a workflow step by using a template, and copying another curve.

Manual creation: every time you create a curve in a project or shell you define all curve properties from scratch.

Templates: you can pre-set curve options, except, for example, actual business process records, and cost sheet columns, which are set at run time. There are two types of cash flow templates: company-level templates, which are created in Standards & Libraries (in Administration Mode), and project or shell-level templates, which are created within a project or shell template.

Auto-creation:In the base commit business process workflow set up you can associate a cash flow template with any step except the Creation step. When the base commit record reaches that step, Primavera Unifier will automatically create a cash flow curve .

Copy: You can copy existing curves from the Cash Flow log, or you can copy data from existing curves. See Copy Cash flow curves and curve data.

General information about curves

Properties settings

The Properties descriptions below apply to Baseline, Spends, Forecast, Portfolio, and Custom detail curves.

For Cash Flow by Project or Shell Detail Level

Curves tab, Distribute amount from cost sheet column field and From/To Dates
Baseline, Forecast, Custom and Portfolio curves: If you want to automatically distribute a Cost amount from a cost column, the column must be selected in the project or shell. You can choose it for a project/shell template as long as you are creating a new project or shell from the template and are copying both the curve and the cost sheet.
Spends curve: Because you must select a cost sheet column associated with Spends data in the project or shell, a spends curve can only be created in a project or shell (or similar to the above, in a project/shell template). You will not be able to add a spends curve in a company-level template.
Forecast curve: Forecast options use data from the Spends curve, and so Forecast options can only be set if a Spends curve is present.
Portfolio Curve: The portfolio curve shows current project-row plan data from a portfolio sheet. When plan data changes, it becomes visible in the cash flow graph as a parallel curve so project managers can clearly see the variance between their projections and portfolio planner-initiated changes.
From Date and To Date: These fields can be set up to pull start and finish dates from the master schedule sheet in the project or shell. These can be selected in a project or shell template. At runtime, be sure the master schedule sheet is set up and has dates in the date element fields chosen for the curves.

Note: In manual mode, Primavera Unifier pegs cost data distribution to the From Date. If there are date changes, Primavera Unifier shifts the curve on the timeline based on From Date modifications. Each time period (e.g. month or year) on the curve retains the value of the original distribution as long as the duration remains the same. If date changes make the cash flow curve duration longer or shorter, Primavera Unifier will not rebalance or redistribute cost data to match the modified curve length (the data will change.)

For Cash Flow by WBS Detail Level

Curves tab, Use data from Schedule Sheet field - Effective for the baseline curve only, you can view cost distribution information by WBS code in a schedule sheet.
Curves tab, Distribute amount from cost sheet column field and From/To Date fields
Similar to Cash Flow by Project/Shell Detail Level above.
Curves tab, Auto by default profile by WBS field
For Baseline, Forecast and Custom curves, you cannot select “Auto by default profile by WBS” in a company template, but you can in the project/shell, since this setting relies on the WBS codes used in the project or shell. You can choose it for a project/shell template as long as you are creating a new project or shell from the template and are copying both the curve and the cost sheet.

Note: You won't be able to double-click the WBS Summary to view the WBS details.

For Cash Flow by Summary WBS Detail Level

Curves tab, Distribute amount from cost sheet column field and From/To Date fields
Similar to Cash Flow by WBS Detail Level above.
Curves tab, Auto by default profile by Summary WBS field
Similar to WBS detail level, for Baseline, Forecast and Custom curves, you cannot select “Auto by default profile by Summary WBS” in a company template, but you can in the project/shell, and a project/shell template as long as you are creating a new project or shell from the template and are copying both the curve and the cost sheet.

For Cash Flow by Commitment Detail Level

General tab, Business Process and Base Commit Record fields
For a Commitment detail level, you must select the base commit type business process to use. Be sure that you selected business processes that are being used in the project or shell.
In the Base Commit Record field, you must select the record at runtime. This is not selectable in the template, since records do not exist in templates. The list displays all records you have permission to view. If a detail curve already exists for that record, you will not be able to choose the same record again.
Curves tab, Include Change Commits and Spends Business Process
If you chose these options, be sure you have selected change commits that are being used in the project or shell, and associated with the selected base commit.

Note: If the cash flow is attached to a Portfolio Manager scenario, the planner-modified baseline curve appears adjacent to the original baseline in the Cash Flow worksheet. This lets the project Manager easily spot the difference between the initial projection and the planned suggestion.

Distribution Profiles

One last point to keep in mind when working with templates versus detail curves in projects and shells: Distribution profiles can be created in Administration Mode (in Standards & Libraries), and used when selecting auto distribution for curves.

At runtime, you can also create additional distribution profiles within the project or shell cash flow module. When working with curves, you can apply the profiles created in Administration Mode, or in the project or shell.

Note: If you are creating a new project or shell from a project or shell template, and are copying the cash flow module, then template properties and permissions will be copied into the new project or shell.


Cash flow properties General tab

Cash flow properties Curves tab

Cash flow properties Filter tab

Cash flow properties Options tab

Cash flow properties Schedule tab

Cash flow properties Summary Curve

Create a Cash flow curve from a Schedule Sheet

Cash flow curve from a template

Auto-create a commitment curve from a base-commit BP record

Copy cash flow curves and curve data




Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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