Copy Cash flow curves and curve data


You can select a curve from the worksheet window and copy curve data (time and amount) to another curve with manual entry as distribution. Process data (time, amount and distribution) associated with WBS Codes (from schedule sheet) will be copied over to the destination curve.

You cannot copy data to a curve that pulls data from a business process record, cost sheet or schedule sheet. You can, however, copy data from an auto-distribution curve.

For example, Spends curves pull actual spends transaction data from a cost sheet column (usually, cost sheet columns that show spends business process transactions). If you want to work with this data manually, you can create a custom curve in the Properties, be sure that all data entry is manual, then copy the spends curve data to the manual custom curve.
For another example, you can make a copy of the original Baseline curve, make adjustments, and save the revised version.

When you copy data, any existing data in the destination curve will be overwritten with the data from the source curve.

To create a cash flow curve by copying another curve

1 Open the Cash Flow log.
2 Select a curve from the log and click Copy. The Properties window opens.
3 Enter a unique Name for the new curve. You can make other changes as necessary to the tabs in the Properties window.
4 Click OK to save and close the Properties window. This also opens the Cash Flow Worksheet window.

You can copy the data from one curve to another. The destination curve must be a manual curve -- that is, the distribution and From/To dates must be manual data entry. You cannot copy data to a curve that pulls data from a business process record, cost sheet or schedule sheet. You can, however, copy data from an auto-distribution curve.

For example, Spends curves pull actual spends transaction data from a cost sheet column (usually, cost sheet columns that show spends business process transactions). If you want to work with this data manually, you can create a custom curve in the Properties, be sure that all data entry is manual, then copy the spends curve data to the manual custom curve.

For another example, you can make a copy of the original Baseline curve, make adjustments, and save the revised version.

When you copy data, any existing data in the destination curve will be overwritten with the data from the source curve.

To copy a worksheet row

1 In the Cash Flow Worksheet, select a row to copy. This is the source curve.
2 Click the Copy button. The Copy To window opens.
3 Click the Destination Curve drop down menu. The drop down menu lists all manual entry curves.
4 Select a curve from the list and click OK.
5 At the confirmation window, click Yes.
6 The Details window opens. All values in the destination curve will be overwritten by the values from the source curve. The new values are displayed in the Details window.
7 You can make necessary changes to values in the Details window. To save the Details window with the new values, click Save.

Note: Special note for Forecast curves: If the intended destination curve is a Forecast curve and the forecast is set up to start at the end of Spends record, this forecast curve is only available as a destination curve as long as no spends records have yet been received. If spends data has already hit the forecast curve, then the forecast curve will not be available in the Destination Curve dropdown list





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