Access project or shell cash flow sheets in Cash Flow (Basic)

The first time that you create a project or shell cash flow sheet, you will be prompted to define the timescale to use, which will be used for subsequent cash flow sheets for the projects or shells.

To access project or shell cash flow sheets

1 Open the project or shell where the sheets reside and click Cost Manager in the left Navigator.
2 In the Navigator, click Cash Flow (Basic). The Cash Flow log opens, displaying the following fields:
Name: Name of the curve.
Creator: User who created the curve.
Date Created: Date the curve was created.
Detail Level: By WBS or by project or shell.
Cost Source: Data source used to generate the curve.
Start Date: Start date of the curve.
Finish Date: Finish date of the curve.
Last Update: The last time the curve data was refreshed.
Scheduled: This column will show scheduled frequency information of a cash flow curve.



This button

Does this


Creates a new cash flow sheet. The first time you click New, you will be prompted to select a timescale for all subsequent cash flow sheets.


Opens the selected cash flow sheet. Equivalent to double-clicking on a cash flow sheet from the log.


This displays the Properties window of the selected cash flow sheet.


Clicking on this button displays the table view of all the selected cash flow data. The Export option is available from this table view.


Displays a graphical view of all cash flow sheets.


Deletes the selected cash flow sheet from the log.


Click to refresh and update the selected cash flow curve.





Oracle Corporation

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