Define the cash flow timescale in Cash Flow (Basic)

The Time Scale window determines the data representation by year, month, or quarter for all cash flow curves under a project or shell. This must be defined before creating any cash flow sheets.

The first time that you create a project or shell cash flow sheet, you will be prompted to define the timescale to use, which will be used for subsequent cash flow sheets for the project or shells.

To define the timescale

When you create a new cash flow sheet, you will be prompted to set the timescale. See the following procedure for details about creating a cash flow sheet.


In this field

Do this


Choose the timescale to use for all cash flow sheets for the project or shell.


Choose a format option, which determines how the date is displayed on the curves.

To edit the timescale

After creating a cash flow sheet, you cannot edit the timescale. This can be set only when there are no cash flow curves under a project or shell. You can change the timescale if you delete all listed cash flow sheets from the log, and then create a new curve.





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