Assign permissions to the worksheet

You can configure the permission settings for each worksheet, allowing you to control access to each worksheet individually. The owner of the worksheet is granted permission to access and modify it automatically. The owner must grant permissions for other users or groups to access a worksheet.

To assign permissions to a worksheet

1 In User Mode, click Cost Manager > Cost Sheet in the left Navigator. The Cost Sheet log opens.
2 Select the worksheet and click the Permission button. The Edit Permissions window opens.
3 Click the Add button and select the users or groups to grant access. In the User Picker, select users or groups, click Add and then click OK. The user or group is added to the upper portion of the Edit Permissions window.
4 By default, each listed user or group will be granted view permission, allowing them to open the worksheet. To grant additional permissions, select the user or group and select the permissions:
Modify Permission: Allows user to control the worksheet’s permission settings.
Edit: User can import worksheet information, save a snapshot, edit worksheet properties, and add columns.
5 Click OK.





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