Open the program cost sheet

To open a program cost sheet

1 Open the program and click Cost Manager > Cost Sheet in the left Navigator. The Cost Sheet log opens.
2 Select the program cost sheet from the log and click Open. The Program Cost Sheet opens.

Like project or shell cost sheets, you can click the Split button to split the window to scroll through the columns while maintaining the WBS code in view. A summary of the work package data can be exported into a CSV file from this window.



This item

Does this

Save As

Click this button to save a snapshot copy of the cost sheet.


Click and select one of the following:

Summary Cost Sheet
Column Details


Imports column details.


Opens the Columns log, from which you can add or manage cost sheet columns.


Click to search for a cost code.


Splits the window vertically so you can scroll through the columns while maintaining a view of the project or shell number.

Cost Sheet cells

Click on a cell to view the Cell Details window.

Project or Shell Number

Click on the project or shell number to open the project or shell cost sheet.

Column Heading

Click on a column heading to view more information about the column type.

File Menu > Open

Opens the Snapshot log.





Oracle Corporation

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