View cost sheet cell details

The values displayed in a cost sheet cell may reflect information from multiple line items, business process transactions, or results of a calculation from other cells. The following procedures discuss how to view the details about an entry in a cost sheet cell.

To open the Cell Detail window

From the project or shell Cost Sheet window, click the link in the line item cell. The Cell Detail window opens.

To view manual line item entry details

From the Cell Detail window, double-click a listed line item. The Line Item window opens.

To view business process transaction details

1 From the Cell Detail window, double-click a listed line item. A view-only copy of the business process transaction opens.
2 Double-click a BP line item. The BP’s Line Item window opens.

To view formula cell details

1 In the Cell Detail window, if line items from manual entry columns or BP transaction columns are included in the calculation, they will be listed in the lower portion of the window, with the calculated value for each line item.

Note: In the Forecasts and Forecasts (Unaccepted) columns, if data sources are from a business process enabled for costs sheet forecasting, the Cell Detail window contains an Include in Forecast button.

2 Click a listed line item. If the line item is a BP transaction, the BP form opens. If the line item is a manual entry, the Line Item window opens.
3 To view the formula used for the column, click the Formula link.

To view budget cell details

The Cell Detail window displays as line items information generated from the budget, as applicable. Typical budget columns include assigned budget. The undistributed balance amount will be displayed as a line item. You may add line items if the undistributed balance is at least as large as the line item amount.


This item

Does this


Allows you to attach files to the cell from your local machine (My Computer) or from the Document Manager (Primavera Unifier folder). You can view existing file attachments by clicking the Attachments link in the upper portion of the window.

Add Notes

Click to add a note to the cell. You can view existing notes by clicking the Notes link in the upper portion of the window.


Click to add a line item (transaction) to the cost sheet (applicable for manual transaction columns).


Allows you to remove a selected line item.


Adds a line item by copying an existing one.

View Menu > Audit Log

Opens the Audit Log for the cell.





Oracle Corporation

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