Modify shell and base exchange rates for manual data entry

Data entered manually (directly) on a generic cost sheet should have a rate associated with it. This is because any transaction that occurs under a shell will be calculated and stamped with two currency rates: the shell currency and Base Currency. The rate in this case will be the conversion rate between the shell currency and Base Currency (the Base Currency is the company currency).

When you modify the exchange rate the new rate takes effect for the currency month, and applies until you change it again. You can revert it to the rate stored in the shell properties. The modified exchange rate applies only to data you enter manually on the sheet. It does not affect data that is entered through business processes, which uses the exchange rate from shell properties.

To change the exchange rates on a Generic Cost Sheet for manual data entry

1 Open the shell and click Configurable Managers > Generic Cost Manager > Generic Cost Sheet in the left Navigator. The Generic Cost Sheet log opens.
2 Open the cost sheet you want to work with by double-clicking the cost sheet name, or by selecting the cost sheet name in the log and then choosing File > Open.
3 Choose Edit > Exchange Rate. The Exchange Rate for manual data entry window opens.
4 Choose the rate you want to change and enter the rate. Click Refresh to revert to the shell property exchange rate as needed. The original exchange rates were set up by the Company Administrator.
5 Click OK.

To view exchange rate history

1 Open the shell and click Configurable Managers > Generic Cost Manager > Generic Cost Sheet in the left Navigator.
2 From the View menu, choose Exchange Rate History.

To view the data in either the shell or Base Currency

1 Open the shell and click Configurable Managers > Generic Cost Manager > Generic Cost Sheet in the left Navigator.
2 Choose View > Currency > Shell Currency or the Base Currency to view the data in either of these currencies.





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