Select email subscription options


The Email Subscription option enables you to control the number, type, and frequency of Primavera Unifier-related e-mail notifications. You can decide whether or not to receive e-mail notifications for specific events within Primavera Unifier. You also have the option of receiving all your Primavera Unifier e-mail notifications once a day in an e-mail digest or one at a time in separate e-mail messages.

By selecting a checkbox, you are “subscribing” to e-mail notifications for that event. If a checkbox is not selected, you will not receive any e-mail messages regarding that event.

Checking Send notification in single daily digest consolidates your e-mail notifications. The consolidated e-mail contains the content from selected events. You will get a single e-mail instead of an e-mail for each occurrence of selected events.

Note the following:

Permissions: To receive the e-mail notification, you must have at least view permission for that module and event (that is, permissions set in Administration Mode). If you do not have these permissions, this setting will not override the permission setting. You will only get notification on those functions that you have permission to access and view.
Document Manager notifications: In addition to module-level view permission, you must also have at least view permission on the specific documents or folders that would generate the event e-mail. These permissions are set from within the Document Manager. In addition, the owner of the folder has the option of not generating e-mail notifications for specific events. For specifics, see Chapter 10, "Document Manager".
External e-mail accounts: If you are using an e-mail address from a generic e-mail account (Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.), your spam filter may filter out these notifications. Refer to your e-mail provider regarding how to allow these notifications.

To subscribe to or opt-out of e-mail notifications

1 Click the Preferenceslink located in the upper section of the Primavera Unifier window. The User Preferences window opens.
2 Click the Options tab.
3 Select the modules and events for which you want to receive e-mail notifications. See the following table for details. The events apply to the following modules:
Workflow business processes
Non-workflow business processes
Document Manager, project or shell and company level
User-defined reports
4 To opt out of receiving e-mail notifications regarding specific Primavera Unifier events, deselect the checkbox for the notification.
5 To receive Primavera Unifier e-mail notifications in one e-mail summery per day, click the Send notification in single daily digest checkbox. The summary e-mail will be sent if one or more events trigger an e-mail notification.


This option

Does this

Email Subscription

The e-mail subscription option enables each user to control the number, type, and frequency of Primavera Unifier-related e-mail notifications received. Users can opt in or out of receiving e-mail notifications for events within Primavera Unifier.

Send notifications in single daily digest

Select this checkbox if you want your Primavera Unifier e-mail notifications (see below) sent to you once a day, rather that individual e-mail messages. Deselect this checkbox to have notifications sent individually.

Email Subscription options:

When you select a checkbox next to one of the listed options, you are subscribing to e-mail notifications for that event. To receive the e-mail notification, you must have at least view permission for that module and event. See the option descriptions below for more information. If a checkbox is not selected, you will not receive e-mail messages regarding that event.

Workflow Business Processes

These events pertain to business processes. To receive notification, you must have at least view permission for the business process (BP). You can opt to receive e-mail notification when:

Personal tasks: You are part of the assignees list when a BP is sent (this becomes a task for you).
Decline tasks: A task is declined by one or more of the assignees that you have added to a BP that you sent.
Overdue personal tasks: An assigned task is past the due date.
Messages: Someone cc’s you on a BP.
Discussion group comments: A discussion group participant adds and saves comments within the discussion group. You will receive notification if you are the owner of the discussion group.
Record Workflow Complete: The record workflow is complete.
Record Modification: A certain step occurs in a workflow (if your Administrator has enabled workflow actions for the workflow step) that needs action. Actions are shown as hyperlinks in the e-mail.

Non-Workflow Business Processes

These events pertain to non-workflow business processes. To receive notification, you must have at least view permission for the business process (BP). You can opt to receive e-mail notification when:

Record Creation: A new record is created.
Record Modification: A record or line item is modified, a line item is added or deleted, comments or attachments are added, attachments are removed.

Document Manager (project or shell and company level)

Users with view permission (set in the Document Manager) on the applicable document, folder, or shortcut target receive notification when:

Document upload: A new document is uploaded into the folder.
Transfer ownership: File or folder ownership is transferred. The new owner is notified.
Move: A document, folder, or shortcut is moved from one location or folder to another.
Delete: A document, folder, or shortcut is deleted.
Document revise: A document is revised.
Folder rename: A folder is renamed.

Note: With this module in particular, a user modifying multiple documents or folders, or folders with many subfolders, can potentially trigger a large amount of e-mail. You can prevent receiving too many notifications by choosing the digest notification (one e-mail) option, or limit the events for which you want to receive notification.

Note: Document Manager e-mail notifications are only sent if the user has at least view permission (in Document Manager node) on the item triggering the e-mail, and if the item owner enables e-mail notification.


Users receive e-mail notification when a new uMail is received.

User Defined Reports

Users receive e-mail notification when:

New report granted: The user is granted at least run permission to a user-defined report by another user.
Results from scheduled reports: When a scheduled report has been generated and the results are available; requires run permission be granted for the report.


Each Alert: Users can receive notification when an alert is generated.


Change Phase Notification: User receives notification when a phase is changed.
Auto-e-mail PDF Gates run: User receives a PDF copy of an automated gates run.


Successful creation: Administrator receives notification of the successful creation of a project or shell. This notification occurs if the project or shell is created manually, through Web Services, using a CSV file, or through auto-creation.

Note: For permission-based e-mails, e-mail notification is usually sent the first time permission has been granted and not when permissions are modified, unless otherwise noted. Note that Document Manager e-mail notifications are only sent if users have at least view permission on the affected item, and if the item owner enables e-mail notification. See "Enable Document Manager-generated e-mail notification" for more information.





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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