Using the Project Mailbox


External emails are important communications that need to be included in projects. Such emails can come from project members or from external users who do not use Primavera Unifier. These email communications (and any attachments) are collected in a central repository for the project, called the Mailbox, so that project members can use them in managing and documenting the project. Once such emails reside in the Mailbox, project users can view them, forward them to appropriate members, flag them for review, and reply to them. In addition, you can link these emails to business process records.

Note: External emails that have been blind carbon-copied (Bcc’d) are not collected by the Mailbox.

To open the Project Mailbox
To open an email
To flag an email for follow-up
To reply to an email
To forward an email
To delete an email
To print an email
To find a specific email





Oracle Corporation

Primavera Unifier 9.10 • Copyright © 1998, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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